Your mission - if you choose to accept it - is to launch or optimize a community for your business in just 10 weeks that delivers an amazing customer experience, grows brand loyalty, and supercharges your customers to be advocates for your products and brand.

Dates To Be Announced Soon

(LIVE classes take place at 10am Pacific on Tuesdays and 9am Pacific on Thursdays)



To join, please apply

We ask everyone to apply to ensure each group is focused on action and getting practical results

Applications close in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

We have transitioned to something new...

We provide hands-on coaching, training, and accountability...all tailored to your company...that helps you to deliver clear, consistent results every quarter with less stress and frustration.

Applications are now closed

“If you want to tap into the power that communities can bring to businesses and teams, there is no greater expert than Jono Bacon.”

-- Nat Friedman, CEO of GitHub



Hey, I am Jono.

So, you have a product or service...

Your product is awesome...and you know how much value it can bring to existing and future customers, but let's be honest, it is a competitive market out there...

So, how do you not just compete, but also build an incredible relationship with your customers so they love your product, your company, and become your biggest fans?

Well, just imagine the competitive advantage of having an army of enthusiastic community members...

...these members are part of a community that you own...who not only experience enormous value, but where they reciprocate and create value...

...they help other customers solve problems, they create and publish content, speak at your events, and feel genuinely invested in your product and company's broader success.

Sounds pretty awesome, right?

But how do you create this incredible experience?

I have been building communities for over 20 years. I have worked with global brands including AirBnb, Microsoft, Intel, Google, Niantic, GitHub, and many others to help them shape communities that their customers and users love. I have also written two best-selling books about building communities, 'People Powered' and 'The Art of Community'.

Normally I work with my consulting clients 1-on-1, but I want to have a broader impact beyond just the people who can afford my consulting fees, and this is why for the very first time, I am launching a live 10-week masterclass.

The Community Experience Masterclass will enable you to go from nothing to a fully launched community in just 10 weeks...with everything you need to deliver an engaged, enthusiastic community...

...or...if you already have an existing community that isn't getting generating the results, the engagement, and impact that you want...the Product Community Masterclass guides you through how to make a series of optimizations and improvement to get results. 

I hope you are interested in joining me and build a world-class community in 10 weeks!


Here are some student experiences...

“In my profession, building networks is all about nurturing relationships for the long term. Jono Bacon has authored the recipe how to do this, and you should follow it.”

-- Gia Scinto, Head Of Talent, YCombinator


How It Works...

The idea is simple: every week we get together in LIVE sessions where I guide you how to put each piece of your community in place...all building up to your launch.

This is supported with clear activities, 1-on-1 support and coaching, a private student community, and rewards to keep you making unstoppable progress.

Here is a breakdown of each week in the Masterclass:

- MODULE 1 -

Create your Community Value Offering

Want to know the main reason communities fail and why online forums and channels sometimes sit empty? They simply don’t offer enough value to give people an irresistible reason to join.

In this first module, we get crisp and clear on exactly who your target audience is, what they want, and how we can not just provide incredible value to them, but to exceed their expectations so they start their journey to being superfans for your product and business.

We do this by building our Community Value Offering...a clear blueprint of exactly what we will offer our community members. This blueprint provides a clear set of guardrails to ensure that everything we create and optimize later in the program has a strong foundation to set you and your business up for maximum success.


The Community Launch Blueprint

We map out our 4-step blueprint to design, create, and launch our community that current and future customers are going to love.


Know Your Audience

Everything starts with value, and we create an irresistible community value proposition that gets people through the door.

Included Bonus Materials

Audience Definition Formula  ·  Community Success Formula  · Community Launch Timetable

- MODULE 2 -

Build Your Community Home

In this module we take our Community Value Offering blueprint and transform it into a real community you can see and touch. We not only create the online home for your community, but also the attractions that will pull your future members in and keep them engaged.

People simply don’t wake up in the morning and think, “I am going to go and answer questions on the Internet”. They show up in a community so they can RECEIVE a benefit, and then we convert them into people who can CREATE a benefit to others.

This module will not only remove the guesswork in delivering your community platform, but it will provide a clear checklist you can follow every week to ensure you are providing the very best community experience possible.


Home is Where the Awesome Lives

With a strong foundational plan, we now choose a community platform and start to configure it ready for our pre-launch phase.


Let's Take Things Easy

With our community machine ready to roll, we now invite some friends to kick the tires on it with an Early Access Launch. This helps us get feedback and optimize.

Included Bonus Materials

Additional Discourse Training Materials  ·  Early Access Deck Template · Early Adopter Email Script

- MODULE 3 -

Prepare for Launch (or Re-Launch)

Now we have a irresistable community ready to roll, it is time to kick the doors open and bring in your members. Sounds scary, right?

Well, don’t worry. In this module you will lower yourself into the warm water gradually by launching a limited beta community and using this gather vital feedback and build the early foundational relationships in your community. We will then use this feedback and these relationships to make improvements in preparation for our full launch.

This means that you can launch your community with the confidence you are offering enormous value to your members that you have tested, and you will completely avoid launching a ghost town with nothing but crickets. Instead, your new audience will be excited and ready to dive in.


Hook #1:

A community is lifeless without a reason to come back. Here we design content that keeps your community members engaged.


Hook #2:

Here we create conversations that tap into the amazing insights and experience of your members, and get them used to chatting.


Hook #3:

Human beings are massively incentivized by rewards. Here we design and deliver a powerful set of community rewards.


Keep Them Coming Back

Discover the Community Engagement Weekly Checklist that takes the confusion out of how you keep your community members engaged and interested.


"If you ain't measuring it, it doesn't exist."

The only way to grow is to measure and improve. Discover the 5 critical community metrics, how to read them, and how to grow based on what you learn.

Included Bonus Materials

Content Ideas Sheet  ·  Conversation Starters Ideas Sheet · Content Calendar Template
Community Engagement Weekly Checklist  · Five Key Community Metrics

- MODULE 4 -

Grow Your Tribe

With your community now fully launched, the real fun begins!

As your members join, we are going to start gathering all kinds of insights and data, and we will use this valuable information to make lots of tiny incremental improvements to tune our community machine to perfection.

This module provides a clear roadmap to not just evolve and improve your community for your members, but to also start expanding your relationship with your members so they can become more involved in creating value themselves in the community.

As we bring the Community Experience Masterclass program to a close, you will now have not just launching your community successfully, but you will also have everything you need to continue to grow and evolve it every month.


Go Big or Go Home

In the build-up to launch we now put together the finishing touches to launch with a sizzle and a smile. Let's do this!


Go Time

With us now launched, we now seal the deal by focusing on how to grow relationships and deal with challenges as they may arise.

Including additional additional on-demand content:


Live and Let Live

Learn a powerful way to run live events that bring your members together for fun, interactive, educational experiences.


Evolve and Grow

As we bring the masterclass to a close, we wrap up with next steps and how to take your new community to the next level.


Crisis, Conflict, and Burnout

Communities, like people, face challenging times. Get practical guidance on how to handle these challenges when they arise.


The Email Secret

Discover how to use email as a powerful mechanism to keep your members engaged and coming back regularly to your community.

Included Bonus Materials

Promotional Plan Template  ·  Launch Plan Template

The end result?

By the end of the Community Experience Masterclass you will have everything you need to not just launch your community, but to know exactly what you need to do each to build growth and create incredible experiences for your community members.

A fully launched community with members inside

You will have a fully launched community with members inside engaging with you and your company and getting fantastic value out of it.

A clear weekly checklist for how to engage and grow

You will have a clear checklist of what to do each week to create content and discussions, engage with members, and recognize great participation.

Clarity of which metrics to track and how to tune them

You will have clarity on what you need to measure...and to read the data to identify areas to optimize and improve each month.

Predictable results without the stress and anxiety

Building communities is complex and error-prone. You will build yours with clarity of purpose and action...and get better results with less stress and anxiety.

A framework for breaking through roadblocks

Life always throws roadblocks at you from time to time, but you will be protected with a clear framework to get clear-minded, resolve problems, and get back on track.

Trainings and resources that are always available

Your investment in Community Experience Masterclass will live on...long past the completion of our 10 week program. Get always-on access to all the training and materials.

Students Love It

Students from all over the world and a diverse range of industries and community love the Community Experience Masterclass. Here are a small selection of endorsements...
Gabriel Peragine
"I wasn’t very confident how to approach building a brand new community from scratch. Jono gave me the tools I needed to better be able to build and evaluate my community. This course empowered me and gave me the confidence to move forward with building the type of dynamic engaging community that I want to build."
Jerry Tan
"The Community Experience Masterclass was very helpful! Jono designed it with all his experience and heart, and it covers the many core elements of community building. We learned to build our communities and had a lot of fun in the student community to share stories, ask questions, and more. Thanks, Jono, for bringing us such a great class!"
Annetta Ferreri
"I started the class with almost zero knowledge about how to create successful communities, and  Jono's advice was extremely valuable. I enjoyed learning about all the steps to create a community and  the analysis about what members need and want. I know what I have learned will help me in what I work on in the coming months."

A Live, Hands-On, Collaborative Experience

Weekly LIVE Sessions

Every session in the masterclass is delivered LIVE on Zoom where you can learn, ask questions, and grow.

Interactive Workbook

Build and manage your community with a powerful, interactive workbook that keeps you focused.

Live Community Access

Join fellow students in a private community where you can solve problems and cheer each other on!

Your Questions Answered

Coaching When You Need It

Unlimited access to Jono via email and via the online community to get your questions answered.

Weekly Q&A and Hotseats

Join additional sessions to ask questions, showcase your work, and refine your new community.

Full Access to Recordings

When the masterclass is over, you will continue to have lifetime access to all recordings and materials.

Who is the Masterclass for?

The masterclass is designed for people who will be involved in the practical delivery of designing, building, and launching your new community.

How much experience do I need?

No experience is required. The masterclass is designed for all skill levels. Any experience you do have is a bonus.

What is the time commitment?

There will be 1 - 2 hours of classes each week, and then you should plan for a few hours a week to work on the tasks to build your community.

Can I bring my colleagues to the masterclass?

When you purchase a seat you are welcome to include up to three colleagues in the masterclass. In fact, we encourage you to invite others!
Includes full access for up to three colleagues.
  • Live Hands-On Training, Coaching, and Q&A Sessions
  • Unlimited Email Q&A and Support During the 10 Week Program
  • Access to Bonus Trainings, Content, and Worksheets
  • Includes: Activities, Worksheets, Cheatsheets, and Resources
  • Includes: Additional Spot Rewards (inc. Training and 1-on-1 Free Consulting)
  • Includes: Access to Private Student Community
  • Includes: Over $2000 of Included Bonuses, Discounts, and Offers
  • Includes: Certificate of Completion (which you can add to your resume, website, and LinkedIn profile)
  • Full Access to all Trainings, Resources, and Community after the Class Completes

We have transitioned to something new...

We provide hands-on coaching, training, and accountability...all tailored to your company...that helps you to deliver clear, consistent results every quarter with less stress and frustration.

To join, please apply

We ask everyone to apply to ensure each group is focused on action and getting practical results

Applications close in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
"It doesn’t take long to be bombarded by “experts” on the internet, and the online community space is no exception. But Jono is the real deal. I started the class with an interest in creating an online community for higher education professionals but had no idea where to start or how to do it. Jono walked us through the process step-by-step. I appreciated that this is a live, interactive course, not one that is pre-recorded and set on auto-pilot. Jono showed up for the weekly classes, shared relevant content, and walked us through each step to create a community. He also led weekly Q&A sessions, which were great for asking questions, getting feedback, and learning from others in the group. Jono is a great instructor – prepared, knowledgeable, approachable and generous in sharing his expertise."
Judith Brauer

Online courses are boring. Are you ready for an experience?

💤 Let's be honest...most online learning is kinda boring...usually comprised of a collection of dull pre-recorded videos, complete with a lackluster quiz at the end of each section. 💤

The Community Experience Masterclass is a totally different, interactive experience.

You will get access to your next-generation Student Dashboard. In it you will find all the training content and recordings of the LIVE sessions, but we don't stop there...

Here's how it works...

Join the LIVE Session
and Take Action

Watch each weekly LIVE session (or recording) and follow a clear set of steps that guide you through building an engaging, thriving community.

Complete Activities &
Earn XP

Your weekly activities are listed under the training, and as you complete each one you are awarded XP points. This keeps you focused and on track.

Unlock Rewards and Bonuses

As you earn more XP points you will unlock an incredible collection of rewards, bonuses, and perks to keep you making forward progress.

Includes: The Community Experience Masterclass Workbook

There are no boring worksheets you have to print and fill out here...

Your Product Community Masterclass Workbook is an interactive hub where you complete your activities and it becomes a strategic document to plan future work, track performance, and manage your community.

Includes: The Community Experience Masterclass Clubhouse

Building new skills is always better and more engaging together.

Included with the Community Experience Masterclass is access to our private student-only Community Experience Masterclass Clubhouse. This is our own community where you can ask questions, learn new skills, share experiences, and more!

When the 10 week program ends, you won't lose access to any of these resources.

Here was Alan's experience...

...also includes over $2000 of bonuses

...and these bonuses alone cover the fee for joining the Community Experience Masterclass
I am thrilled to also include the Community Experience Masterclass Bonus Collection, which features an incredible range of special offers, discounts, and bonuses to help get your community up and running.

This will ensure you can use world-class tools and services to deliver your community, and save money in delivering a community your members will love.

Features incredible bonuses from the following leading companies:

Stacy Jones
"This is a great class for learning from one of the greats in Community! Covering everything from how to structure a community, the psychology behind why people engage online, a practical plan to set up and rollout your community successfully, and much more."

We have transitioned to something new...

We provide hands-on coaching, training, and accountability...all tailored to your company...that helps you to deliver clear, consistent results every quarter with less stress and frustration.

To join, please apply

We ask everyone to apply to ensure each group is focused on action and getting practical results

Applications close in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Jono Bacon

Jono has been building communities now for over 22 years. He has worked with over 300 businesses to help them build productive communities...from early-stage startups to Fortune 500 companies.

He is the author of five books, including the award-winning 'People Powered' (Harper Collins) and 'The Art Of Community' (O'Reilly) and he writes for Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and others.

He is the creator of the 'Zero To Community Masterclass' and the 'Community Ignition Workshop' where he has trained hundreds of students in how to build communities. This includes people from a broad range of industries including tech, consumer, fitness, gaming, entertainment, medicine, non-profits, and more.

 Jono is also an active advisor and investor in numerous companies and funds (including Redpoint, Heavybit, Boldstart, AlienVault, HackerOne, and many others.)

Extensive Experience

Previously led community at:

Clients include:

Investor and advisor with:

Featured in:

Industry Recognized Expertise

Kevin Scott
“Jono Bacon provides timely insight into what makes us tick as humans, and how to build richer, stronger technology communities together.”
Billy Cina
“‘Jono sets the record straight about what product-related communities are, and the impact you can expect.”
Jim Whitehurst
“Jono is an expert at integrating the potential of communities with businesses. ”

Paul Salnikow
"Jono has proved invaluable by delivering senior-level mentoring to my team, working with us, as we designed and delivered ‘The Executive Centre Community’ for our 19,000 executive members from across our 115 Asia-Pacific locations."
Marie Dodson
“Jono has a true diversity of insight that spans community strategy, organizational design, leadership, developer workflow, infrastructure, and more. He is able to combine forward-facing strategy with pragmatic tactical delivery. "
Ali Velshi
“Harnessing the collaborative power of communities is critical not just to the success of our businesses, but also for our democracy. Jono provides the clear blueprint for producing that success.”



  • Are you ready to stop the overwhelm and get *clarity* on exactly what the steps are you need to take next?
  • Are you ready to start getting momentum by working *with* me, as we outline, craft, launch and scale your community?
  • If this sounds like you, reserve your seat now.
Includes full access for up to three colleagues.
  • Live Hands-On Training, Coaching, and Q&A Sessions
  • Unlimited Email Q&A and Support During the 10 Week Program
  • Access to Bonus Trainings, Content, and Worksheets
  • Includes: Activities, Worksheets, Cheatsheets, and Resources
  • Includes: Additional Spot Rewards (inc. Training and 1-on-1 Free Consulting)
  • Includes: Access to Private Student Community
  • Includes: Over $2000 of Included Bonuses, Discounts, and Offers
  • Includes: Certificate of Completion (which you can add to your resume, website, and LinkedIn profile)
  • Full Access to all Trainings, Resources, and Community after the Class Completes
Virginia Germann
"The Community Experience Masterclass has been a wonderful experience in learning to build an online community by participating in community. From day one, we were invited to engage with other masterclass attendees through the ZTC Clubhouse - modeling how to initiate and build engagement within a community. Clever! Jono has put together a well thought out step by step curriculum and workbook that helps ensure you’ve thought of everything (even what could go wrong) needed before launching your new online community. The masterclass environment was fun, respectful and engaging. Well worth it."

We have transitioned to something new...

We provide hands-on coaching, training, and accountability...all tailored to your company...that helps you to deliver clear, consistent results every quarter with less stress and frustration.

To join, please apply

We ask everyone to apply to ensure each group is focused on action and getting practical results

Applications close in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds



The best time to plant a tree was 40 years ago. The second best time is today.
Now is the moment to kickstart an incredible community that will grow your brand, support your customers, and take your business to the next level.

100% Money Back Guarantee

I always want to ensure my students get the most value possible out of my Masterclasses and courses. So, here is the deal...

If you work through the Masterclass, participate in the sessions, and complete the Milestone tasks but are not happy when the Masterclass wraps up, you will be eligible for a full refund.

Simply send me an email and we will take care of it right away!

Hey, still got questions?

We Got Answers!

Who should take this masterclass?

If you are willing to roll your sleeves up and do the practical work of building your community, you are the right fit for the masterclass.

What industries is this masterclass for?

Any business with a publicly available product or service with customers/users would be a good fit for the Community Experience Masterclass.

How much experience do I need?

Absolutely zero. The Masterclass welcomes students of all skill levels, and we will take you step-by-step through everything you need to know.

What community platforms do I need?

You can use any community platforms you like (e.g. Facebook Groups, Discourse, Discord, Higher Logic and others). It is your choice.

Do I need to attend the LIVE sessions?

While joining the LIVE sessions is not required, it is encouraged to enjoy the group atmosphere. You can however watch the recordings!

When are the LIVE sessions?

If you scroll to the top of this page you can find out the times when the sessions are. If you can't join, simply watch the recordings.

Do need I need to stick to the 10 weeks?

Not at all. Everyone is on their own timeline, but sticking to the timeline bakes in accountability and increases your chances of success.

How much time is needed each week?

There are two LIVE sessions each week and then you should account for time for the activities. Around 3 - 4 hours a week should be enough.

Do I have access after the class finishes?

Absolutely! Everything in your student dashboard, including all videos, resources, recordings, and your workbook is be available after the 10 week period.

Can my colleagues join the masterclass?

Yes indeed. You are welcome to invite up to three of your colleagues to participate in the Masterclass, and they will enjoy full access.

Can I apply this to an existing community?

Absolutely. The Community Experience Masterclass is designed for both launching new communities and optimizing existing communities.

Do I need to be technical?

Not at all. Great community leadership is about creating value, and you don't need technical skills to participate in the masterclass.

What tools and equipment do I need?

All the sessions are hosted on Zoom, and you only need a web browser to access the other tools in the masterclass.

Can I email you directly for help?

Absolutely! You have unlimited email access to me throughout the course of the 10 week period. I am here and ready to help!

What payment types do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards including:

What is your refund policy?

If you work through the activities in the Masterclass and at the end are not completely happy, we will offer a full refund!

How long is the 1-on-1 email access for?

The unlimited 1-on-1 email access is for the 10 week program, and then after that I will do my best to respond where possible (as I always want to help!)

Do I lose access to the private community?

Nope! You will continue to have access to the Community Experience Masterclass Clubhouse when the 10 week program has completed.

What happened to Zero To Community?

A simple product rename. The Zero To Community Masterclass was renamed to the Community Experience Masterclass. That's all. :-) 

Can I repeat the masterclass?

Absolutely. You never lose access to the recordings, so simply repeat the masterclass and watch the recordings for new communities.

How do I ask another question that isn't answered here?

Simple! Just click the button below to send me an email - happy to discuss any questions you have!
Wow, check out the small-print down here. This is where all the bad stuff is listed, right? Not here.

I just want to be really clear about something. The Community Experience Masterclass is a world-class coaching package for launching your new community, but I am not a magician. You are going to need to commit to doing some work and following the guidance. I can't do that for you. I am here to guide you, answer your questions, provide feedback and input...but you should only purchase the Community Experience Masterclass if you are willing to put the work in (which is usually a few hours a week). Make sense?

I hope so, and I hope you are ready to roll your sleeves up and kick some ass...see you there!

(c) Jono Bacon Consulting, 2022 -